Thursday, December 25, 2008

a cousins' christmas

It's late, but we're doing great!
(Good job on the picture, Grandpa!)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

sleepy time

sleeping by the tree tonight

so big

look who can stand up all by herself!

Monday, December 22, 2008

christmas vacation

Eva's asleep. Nathanael's playing baseball with a cow. Alyssa's off in the land of the dollhouse. I LOVE Christmas vacation.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

christmas kids cream!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

just beyond the manger

This morning the big kids had their school Christmas program. Recitations and songs were thoroughly enjoyed by Mommy and Daddy, all the grandparents, and Nana! Man, those kids are getting big fast!
NCK with the 3K, 4K, and 5K classes

AJK with the first and second graders

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

oh christmas tree

It was cold on Saturday, but we were successful anyway! Off we went to the Christmas tree farm to cut down this year's centerpiece...
Eva enjoyed rides in the baby sled, compliments of Madeline, Nathanael, and Alyssa. Nathanael was pretty pumped to get to help Daddy cut down the tree. Alyssa, she was happy just making snow angels!
happiness is being allowed to touch a dangerous
object...with Dad's supervision, of course!
this is it!

are we having fun yet??

cuddles with oma

Eva got a chance to cuddle with Oma on Thanksgiving Day -- what a good deal for both of those girls! We are also celebrating the arrival of tooth #4 and tooth #5.

Monday, November 24, 2008

six little monkeys

Here's the cousin club!

our trip to madison

The kids had no school on Friday, November 7, so we headed to Madison to see the state capitol building. The kids and I enjoyed a tour of the building. We especially loved seeing the stuffed bald eagle and the fossils in the stonework.

The pictures of the rotunda were taken by Alyssa and Nathanael. Each had a chance to lay down on the floor and use Mommy's camera.

Daddy is showing off the postcards we brought home for him.

election day

Happy democracy! Here's a slice of the next generation of voting Americans. Alyssa voted for McCain (he had a "girl helper" on his ticket), and Nathanael voted for Obama (he had a "boy helper"). Eva, she was just along for the sticker.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

little mathematician - post 2

Well, the snow is my bud Nathanael helped me clean out the garage this evening. I want a warm car in the morning.

"Mom, pretend the wheelbarrow is an oval. This is how you find the middle."

I didn't even get geometry when I was fourteen.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

precious sleep

After two weeks of illness, little Eva is sleeping again! Mommy, daddy, and baby are all functioning much better with the additional winks.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

little mathematician

Well, this afternoon I asked Nathanael what 2+2 was. His answer: 4. The conversation continued.
What is 3+3? 6.
What is 4+4? 8.
What is 5+5? 10.
What is 6+6? 12.
What is 7+ 7? 14.
What is 8+8? 16.
I'll spare you the rest, but in sum (yes, pun intended), I didn't quit until we got to 22+22=44. By then I figured that he had indeed figured out the mathematical pattern. I think Alan and I are in trouble.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

lots of tricks and treats

Trick-or-treat... again and again and again! The Krug kids were able to enjoy their costumes while trick-or-treating in two different neighborhoods, visiting all the grandparents, and at the Festival City Symphony's Halloween Pajama Jamboree! Loads of fun!

picking apples

Roses are red,
Apples are too...

big grins...loving the fresh air!

good friends make loads light!

busy little buddies...

pumpkin farm trip #2

NCK's trip to the pumpkin farm was good and chilly, but the rain held off and all had a good time. We came home with plenty of pumpkins, apples, and stories about Johnny Appleseed!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

my third tooth

"After working hard all weekend long,
I finally got tooth #3!!!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

little photographer

a Nathanael original

This is how to stay occupied when mom is working on her homework!

little helper

It's great to have help!

pumpkin farm trip #1

Alyssa is the first Krug child to visit the pumpkin farm this year. Friday is the Pre-K field trip, so Nathanael will get his turn soon. Somehow I think Alyssa drew the better weather forecast!

AJK had a blast. Not sure where she got her love for farm animals, but the child held no fewer than 6 chickens, 5 ducks, 7 kittens, 3 bunnies, and 2 chicks today. She also got to ride a pony (named Ladd), milk a cow (Chloe), pet an 14-day-old calf, and snuggle up to pigs and lamas. It was a deluxe pumpkin farm trip!

birthday fun

Birthday 33 was a blast! We had lunch with family, and then the five Krugs headed downtown to enjoy a perfect October afternoon. These precious pics are of our fun down along the lakefront. We even got to see the wings of the Calatrava close!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

local tourists

Labor Day weekend was a fun time for the Kruglets! Life slowed down, and we had two picnic outings that weekend. Below are pictures taken on one of those beautiful afternoons. We went hiking around the lime kilns in Menomonee Falls, a local piece of historical import that Alan and I discovered on a bike ride a few years back.

racing around by the lime kilns


inquisitive minds always want to know more

Sunday, September 28, 2008

wild card winners

Go Brew Crew!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Am I amazing, or what??

a happy harvest

Carrots! Our poor garden was woefully neglected this year,
but we did bring in a few carrots...and a cabbage or two!

Friday, September 26, 2008

flashback to our "bike race"

Here we go! AJK is ready to roll on her two-wheeler...NCK is excited about the chaser. These pics are from a bike ride we did as a family back in year EGK can join us in the trailer! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

the promised picture

Ah, the neophyte did not get the picture in on try #1! Here's the big guy! Notice the multiple spelling tests (on the chalkboard and on the paper) and the grand prize...a visit to the Pez dispenser! After all, first graders get treats...why not four-year-olds?

check out MY words!!!

Nathanael is a happy boy! Alyssa gets to have spelling tests, so why shouldn't he?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the beginning

A stab in the dark
One handed typing
Eva and I have set up this space
Nothing fancy, nothing frilly
Just a venue to look at life
Through this lens