Monday, April 20, 2009

go green family challenge blog

For those of you who wish to follow along as Alan, I, and the Kruglets "Go Green!" with the Metroparent Go Green Family Challenge, you might bookmark the following blog:

Our first meeting is this week....we'll keep you posted! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


lost to her book!

family pic

healthy lungs...

...big tonsils

nathanael's feet

Isaiah 52:7

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

going green!

Metroparent Magazine is sponsoring a Go Green Family Challenge... this is what the Krug family told them:

We're a family that gets geeked about learning new stuff together. We love our world and want to help take care of it, but right now our contribution is limited to our five reusable grocery bags. Our kids are at that age where they're "green" and ripe for training, but our grown-up habits are not setting a great example. Help us!

And we were picked!! We're one of five families in southeastern WI going green!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

what we learned today

1. Touching the top of the waffle iron is not a good thing.
2. Pouring boiling water into a glass carafe is pretty dumb.
3. Ladybugs do bite.
4. "The whole nine yards" is really about ammo.
5. "Uh-oh" is Eva's favorite word.
6. Kids are really cute when they're sleeping.

Monday, April 6, 2009

birthday girl

Happy Birthday, Eva Grace!