Tuesday, July 28, 2009

knots in my yo-yo string

We're missing Uncle Peter!
If you want to check out his blog...

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Eva gave me a zerbert this week.

Nathanael is building race track after race track with his blocks.

Alyssa's quote of the week: Mother, I can't wait to be a grown-up. You get to do whatever you want because you don't have mom and dad telling you what to do. *pause* Except for all those laws.

Friday, July 17, 2009

fourth of july parade

Check out our 4th of July adventure... We were in the
Butler Parade with Immanuel's VBS crowd! Super-fun!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

high school fun...

We visited with high school friends this weekend....wow! Look at all those kids!

my little boy...

...is five years old! Can you believe it?! Here he is proudly showing off the shark pinata he made for his birthday party. What a sweetie!


I love this...AJK and NCK have gotten into chess bigtime this summer. Fun to watch!!


The last week in June we enjoyed camping with some friends up at Long Lake. Good weather. Good fun. Enjoy the pics!

All the kiddos (sorry Eva and Mav...you two were off napping!)

Alan and Eva -- chillin' at the campsite.

Check out that sandcastle!
Nice job, Mr. Leukert.

Eva's my name.
Dancing is my game.