Sunday, September 27, 2009

kid pix

These are recent pics that
didn't fit in any other posting but are some of mommy's favorites!
We're homeschooling the little bud this year. Here he shows off his first art project from Beyond the Books, an enrichment class for homeschooled children held @ Elmbrook Church.

Eva Grace, piano protege!

This picture was snapped on AJK's birthday. Alyssa's wearing her
new FAVORITE dress, hand-picked by Grandpapa!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

hanging on to summer

We enjoyed one last weekend camping, thanks to a certificate Mom and Dad Lorenz acquired at the Lutheran High Auction last spring. Gorgeous weekend...just warm enough to have summer fun...just cool enough to breathe in the scent of autumn.

train pajamas

Eva's favorite pajamas: Thomas the Train
shown here during a recent family dance party

celebrating aunt cc

On September 13 we gathered with Mom and Dad Krug, Oma, and the St. Paul's church family to celebrate the dedication of a new electric piano given to St. Paul's in memory of Carolyn. It's a fitting memorial, a reflection of so much that was important to her.

A good morning. A difficult morning. The music was well-played (thank you, Diane). Dad sang Morning Has Broken so beautifully (not sure how you did that, Dad). The weather was gorgeous, the big kids well-behaved, and Eva, a cranky mess. Carolyn would have been amused.

The pictures below were taken after church at breakfast...

Grandpa and Nathanael

Alan and a very tired Eva

Alyssa and Oma

Mom and Dad

Thursday, September 17, 2009

go green challenge... a revisit

Check out the Go Green! Challenge article on the Milwaukee Moms website...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

more trip pictures

wild burros in Custer...big kids LOVED them...Eva, not so much

AJK and NCK are sworn in as junior rangers at Rushmore...neat program!

obligatory family picture in front of Mt. Rushmore

pics by one of our camp cabins in Custer State Park

Mammoth Site in Hot Springs... AJK and NCK got to be assistants

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

some more of the story...

We're home... have been for some time now... had a FABULOUS trip!

At last post we left you in Kansas City. From there we headed north to Centerville, SD and spent a few days with good friends. The kids would gladly have stayed there another week... boy oh boy, Dan and Amy, then you would have been really tired out!! We enjoyed seeing Dan's church, fishing Nathanael out of the fish pond, celebrating Sarah's birthday, spending an evening in Sioux Falls, and just generally hanging out with the Redhages.

Here the kids (and Al!) snuggle together up on the lookout tower in Falls Park in Sioux Falls, SD. This park was wonderful. All night long the kids climbed around on rocks - heaven.

Sacagawea, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark

Heading west...

this stop at the Corn Palace was followed by a family of five hiding from a tornado in Taco Bell

a quick stop in Badlands National Park - AJK's snapshot

our first night's accommodations in the Black Hills

excited to be here!!