Saturday, December 31, 2011

new year's eve

"You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance." ~ Psalm 65:11
Thank you, God! 
May 2012 be the year that our eyes would be opened to the abundant grace dripping all about us...
and, as Jacob, may we wake from our sleepy lives and say, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.” ~ Genesis 28:16 
Happy New Year, friends.

Friday, January 14, 2011

christmas letter

Heartfelt Christmas greetings to you!

It may be mid-January, but we’re still enjoying Christmas in our home. It seems this year we’re moving slowly… not a bad change for our family.

Our update? Same place, same stuff… sort of! Alan is settled in at his job and will be there, God-willing, for many more years. Lisa is working much less and is homeschooling the kids. Alyssa, Nathanael, and Eva are forever growing, changing. Life is both a delight and a challenge, and God’s unchanging goodness anchors all. We praise Him!

Feel free to peek back at our pictures to get a flavor of life at Casa Krug. Never dull, rarely quiet, sometimes messy, but always good. To God be the glory.

We wish you a wonderful 2011. We love visitors… especially in the summer when we can share our pool. Consider that an open invitation!

Much love,
Alan, Lisa,
Alyssa, Nathanael, and Eva