Heartfelt Christmas greetings to you!
It may be mid-January, but we’re still enjoying Christmas in our home. It seems this year we’re moving slowly… not a bad change for our family.
Our update? Same place, same stuff… sort of! Alan is settled in at his job and will be there, God-willing, for many more years. Lisa is working much less and is homeschooling the kids. Alyssa, Nathanael, and Eva are forever growing, changing. Life is both a delight and a challenge, and God’s unchanging goodness anchors all. We praise Him!
Feel free to peek back at our pictures to get a flavor of life at Casa Krug. Never dull, rarely quiet, sometimes messy, but always good. To God be the glory.
We wish you a wonderful 2011. We love visitors… especially in the summer when we can share our pool. Consider that an open invitation!
Much love,
Alan, Lisa,
Alyssa, Nathanael, and Eva