Friday, January 30, 2009

slow down that clock!

I'm taking a minute to marvel. It's those kids; I marvel at my kids. Time ticks tediously on as I try to keep up, and then suddenly my breath catches in my throat: times are a-changin'. The kids are growing up.

Eva climbed the stairs yesterday. Didn't know she could do that. Just put her on the bottom step, and zip, there she was at the top! Eight teeth, so-big, starting new words, can't stay still...did I mention we'll need to start thinking about a first birthday party?

Nathanael's prayer at bedtime the other night: "Dear God, please help the sun keep its gravity so that the planets will all stay in their orbits." I'm glad someone is keeping tabs on the important things.

Alyssa wrote a poem for Oma's birthday yesterday. It's not the composition of the poem that got me, but to hear her perform the poem... I was speechless.

Then again, being speechless isn't all bad... especially around the Krug house. ;)


Five Little Monkeys said...

Oh, it's so good to notice our little ones, isn't it! Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you also for the wonderful visit last week! The girls told Dan all about it at confirmation.

Christa said...

O man... they're getting old too fast! We love you and miss you all! Some of us will hopefully see you when we're up there in two weeks!