Thursday, October 29, 2009

thursday fun

Aren't they adorable? But don't be fooled by the angelic faces...
there was chapstick all over the place around here today!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

can you hear that?

the setting: tonight, the Krug kitchen, 45 minutes before we need to be up at church, dinner burning, Eva screaming, AJK trying to do her homework, NCK grouching that Eva is messing up his playing, and I'm calling Alan to find out just how late he has to stay after work because I think I might be on the brink of a meltdown

Alyssa writes her memory work verse on our board:

Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I Corinthians 15:57

"Mom, I think this could be a family project. We could all learn this verse, and then when we are feeling glum or crabby or something, we can just be cheered up all over again."

Alyssa, I love you.
Lord, I hear You.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

crafty crayons for eva

Check out Eva's new crayons... super easy, super fun, and just the right chunky size for her to grab!
1. peel paper and break up old crayons

2. heat in the oven

3. cooling

4. ooooh!!

5. aaaaah!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

funny stuff

AJK to daddy: Hola, papa! Dad, what did I just say to you?
Alan: Hi, Daddy.
AJK: Ha ha ha ha! Nope! I just said, "Hi, potato!!" Ha ha ha ha! If I wanted to say "Hi, Daddy," I would have said "Hola, Papa'!" You have to say the "ah" like it's angry. Ha ha ha ha ha! I called you a potato! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
We went apple picking this weekend. Much fun! But this is only background info. Please read on...
Eva...quiet as a mouse. Too quiet, actually. Too quiet for too long. Apples...there are bags of them in my dining room. Now there are six of them, all lined up neatly on the dining room floor, all with ONE BIG BITE out of each apple. Nice, Eva, very nice!
NCK made a sword the other day, elaborately crafted out of cardboard tubes. Now I quote: This is my sword of the Spirit. I'm the knight with the sword of the Spirit, and I'm going to make sure everyone believes in God. If they don't, I'll KILL them!
Oh boy.