Friday, January 29, 2010

Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2010

Merry Christmas, friends.

Yep, we're squeaking this in just before Valentine's Day, but let's count it as the 2009 Christmas letter, okay?!

In all honesty, we've struggled this year with how best to approach the Krug family Christmas letter. Our past formats of playful poetry, cute drawings by the kids, or the unabridged narrative of the year's events just didn't seem to work. If you want to catch up on the kids or family fun from 2009, please peek back through our blog. If you're willing to indulge our desire to share some rugged heart feelings this time around, continue on.

This summer we traveled to South Dakota and spent three nights camping in Custer State Park. The nights were DARK. One evening we stopped by a clearing alongside a lake to gaze up at the Milky Way, watching as someone seemed to fling one shooting star after another across the black, night sky. We don't have this kind of darkness in our backyard; we don't normally see such brilliance. When Alan and I reflect on this memorable moment, we are provided with an exquisite analogy for our year.

Last February Alan's sister, Carolyn, was suddenly taken to her heavenly home. While we celebrate her Homecoming, there can be no denying that the initial convulsive pain, felt so acutely by the family, lingers on like a smarting wound. Darkness.

Darkness juxtaposed by a brilliant light show. You see, when we were in our darkest times, our Abba Father showed up with brilliant blessings of comfort, strength, and growth. We sought comfort; He offered new life. Graciously, we have been given opportunities for change and time for resting in our Savior. Just how He orchestrated these changes and gave invitation to draw closer to Him takes my breath away.

It's not been an easy year for any number of reasons. Alan and I have agreed numerous times that we're walking the most difficult terrain we've ever faced. But these truths have shown out as rays of light in stark contrast to the darkness:

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; On those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned. ~Isaiah 9:2

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. ~John 8:12

Christ IS our light. He has called us into intimate fellowship with Him. The cost of following Him is not what we had expected, but the freedom He offers is exhilarating. God is so faithful, so much more than we can ever comprehend. His joy is not of this world, and it IS complete. His LOVE covers everything. May we delight in the freedom Love won for us some 2000 years ago.

May everlasting joy crown your head.
May gladness and joy overtake you.
May sorrow and sighing flee away.

Alan and Lisa