Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
a september trip
Alan, 10:00 @ night, drying out our sleeping bags... oh, for a tent that stays dry!
Kruglets @ Yoders' Amish Home
Who says a little rain can slow down this crew?!
Our family pic of the trip... Journey Behind the Falls, Niagara Falls, Ontario
Alyssa climbing the dunes... a much larger task than we can show in a photo!
Beautiful sun, an abandoned beach, and no time constraints... Nathanael was in heaven.
the Kruglets, outside our camp cabin @ Warren Dunes State Park in Michigan...
Eva, on the last day in the car... just get me home!
Alyssa and Nathanael, astronauts together@ Adler Planetarium
Friday, September 24, 2010
the experience of interviewing ~ from Alyssa
This week I did a big Brownie Scout project. It was about women and their three most important issues. I did interviews by e-mail, telephone, and in person. I had to interview women that were teenagers to women over 70 years of age. Some of the issues are similar and some are different. Some are exactly the same! Here are some of the issues that women face today: family, work, faith, health, and making your own decisions.