Thursday, June 7, 2012

kale chips

CSA 2012 began today... happiness!
 A friend of a friend was starting a new CSA program this year, so we made the switch from last year's farm to this budding business.  On the way to the pick-up site today I caught myself dreaming about what would be in that box and promptly reprimanded myself for daring to hope for beets.  Surprise for me... beets!  See, what do I know?!
The hope this year is to use EVERYTHING in the box.  Tonight we start with kale chips.  Last year these babies came out of my oven greasy, lived a week in my cupboard, and ended their life in the compost heap.  This year... less oil... and voila!  Kale chips that won't make it until morning.  Sorry kids.  Mommy ate your veggies.

Wash, de-rib, and tear up the kale.  Toss with a LITTLE bit of oil and salt.  Bake for 20 minutes at 300.

1 comment:

Five Little Monkeys said...

YUMMM! Thanks for the advice.